Vehicle alarm system "GSW-CAN"

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CAN-BUS interface and more than 400 car models in CAN-BUS database

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CAN-BUS interface and more than 400 car models in CAN-BUS databaseico_can
Built-in GSM modemico_gsm
Possibility to use GSW-CAN as GSM-GPS add-on for remote or plip alarm systemico_addon
Built-in GPS receiverico_gps
Built-in adjustable tilt and shock sensorico_ksd
USB port for system upgrade and setupico_usb
Controll by original remote controlico_key
Controll by cell phoneico_phone
App for iOS and Androidico_app
Alarm messages and voice guide in 3 languagesico_lang
Possibility to connect system to alarmserver.netico_serv

Related documents and software on "Google drive" google_drive


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Vehicle alarm system "GSW-CAN"

Vehicle alarm system "GSW-CAN"

CAN-BUS interface and more than 400 car models in CAN-BUS database